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Marine Corps doctrine is the institutional vetting and compilation of fundamental principles including tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs), and terms and symbols by which Marine Corps forces guide their actions through training, education, and operations.


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FMFRP 0-53 Afoot in the Desert

FMFRP 0-55 Desert Water Supply

FMFRP 0-58 Problems in Desert Warfare

FMFRP 0-63 Troop Construction in the Middle East


FMFRP 12-102 W Erratum The 9th Australian Division Versus the Africa Corps

FMFRP 12-109-I The Amphibians Came to Conquer - Vol I

FMFRP 12-109-II The Amphibians Came to Conquer - Vol II

FMFRP 12-109-II The Amphibians Came to Conquer - Vol II

FMFRP 12-11 German Tactical Doctrine

FMFRP 12-110 Fighting on Guadalcanal

FMFRP 12-12-II History of Medical Dept of U.S. Navy in WW II-Vol II

FMFRP 12-13 Maneuver in War

FMFRP 12-14 Logistics in the National Defense

FMFRP 12-15 Small Wars Manual

FMFRP 12-17 Leadership for American Army Leaders

FMFRP 12-25 The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him

FMFRP 12-32 Naval Strategy

FMFRP 12-33 The Defense of Duffer's Drift

FMFRP 12-37 Coral and Brass

FMFRP 12-5 Combat Support in Korea

FMFRP 3-203 Lessons Learned-The Iran-Iraq War-Vol 1

MCDP 1 Warfighting

MCDP 1-0 Marine Corps Operations

MCDP 1-1 Strategy

MCDP 1-2 Campaign

MCDP 1-3 Tactics

MCDP 1-4 Competing

MCDP 2 Information

MCDP 3 Expeditionary Operations

MCDP 4 Logistics

MCDP 5 Planning

MCDP 6 Command and Control

MCDP 7 Learning

MCDP 8 Information

MCIP 3-03.1i Maritime Stability Operations

MCRP 10-10E.1 MTTP for Chemical

MCRP 10-10E.10 MTTP for Domestic Chemical

MCRP 10-10E.6 MTTP for Chemical

MCRP 10-10E.7 MTTP for Chemical

MCRP 1-10.1 Organization of the United States Marine Corps

MCRP 1-10.2 Marine Corps Supplement to the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

MCRP 12-10A.1 Small Unit Leaders Guide to Mountain Warfare Operations

MCRP 12-10A.2 Mountain Leaders Guide to Winter Operations

MCRP 12-10A.3 Mountain Leaders Guide to Mountain Warfare Operations

MCRP 12-10B.1 Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)

MCRP 2-10A.1 Signals Intelligence

MCRP 2-10A.5 Remote sensor operations

MCRP 2-10A.6 Ground Reconnaissance Operations

MCRP 2-10A.7 Reconnaissance Reports Guide

MCRP 2-10A.9 Air Intelligence

MCRP 2-10B.1 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace

MCRP 2-10B.4 Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and Intelligence

MCRP 2-10B.5 Imagery Intelligence

MCRP 2-10B.6 MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations

MCRP 2-3C Multiservice Tactics

MCRP 3-01B.1 Helicopter Rope Suspension Techniques (HRST) Operations

MCRP 3-03A.2 Multi-Service Techniques for Civil Affairs Support to Foreign Humanitarian Assistance

MCRP 3-03D.1 MTTP for Advising Foreign Security Forces

MCRP 3-10.2 MTTP for Military Diving

MCRP 3-10A.1 Infantry Battalion Operations

MCRP 3-10A.2 Infantry Company Operations

MCRP 3-10A.3 Marine Infantry Platoon

MCRP 3-10A.4 Marine Rifle Squad

MCRP 3-10B.1 Tank Platoon

MCRP 3-10C Amphibious Combat Vehicle Employment

MCRP 3-10E.4 Tactics

MCRP 3-10E.6 Marine Artillery Survey Operations

MCRP 3-10E.8 Tactics

MCRP 3-10F.2 Supporting Arms Observer



MCRP 3-20.1 Multi-Service Tactics

MCRP 3-20.3 Operational Support Airlift

MCRP 3-20.4 MTTP for Aviation Urban Operations

MCRP 3-20.B.1 MTTP for Airfield Opening

MCRP 3-20F.10 MTTP for Air Control Communication

MCRP 3-20F.2 Marine Tactical Air Command Center Handbook

MCRP 3-20F.3 MAGTF Aviation Site Command Handbook

MCRP 3-20F.5 Direct Air Support Center Handbook

MCRP 3-20F.7 Marine Air Traffic Control Detachment Handbook

MCRP 3-20F.9 Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Gunners Handbook

MCRP 3-25A MTTP for Joint Air Traffic Control

MCRP 3-30.6 MTTP for Defense Support of Civil Authorities

MCRP 3-30.7 Commanders Tactical Handbook

MCRP 3-30B.1 MTTPs for Multi-Service Brevity Codes

MCRP 3-30D.2 Devotional Field Book

MCRP 3-31B Amphibious Ships and Landing Craft Data Book

MCRP 3-32D.1 Electronic Warfare

MCRP 3-33.1A Civil Affairs Tactics

MCRP 3-33.1J Biometrics

MCRP 3-34.3 Engineer Reconnaissance

MCRP 3-35.1D Cold Region Operations

MCRP 3-40.3A MTTP for Tactical Radios

MCRP 3-40A.3 MTTP for Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties

MCRP 3-40A.5 Health Service Support Field Reference Guide

MCRP 3-40A.7 Patient Movement

MCRP 3-40A.9 First Aid

MCRP 3-40B.3 Contingency Contracting

MCRP 3-40B.5 Petroleum Operations

MCRP 3-40B.6 MTTPs for Operational Contract Support

MCRP 3-40D.12 Construction Estimating

MCRP 3-40D.13 Base Camps

MCRP 3-40D.14 Water Support Operations

MCRP 3-40D.6 Construction Project Management

MCRP 3-40E.1 Recovery and Battle Damage Assessment and Repair

MCRP 3-40G.1 Marine Corps Field Feeding Program

MCRP 4-11.1C MTTP for Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties


MCRP 4-11B Enviromental Considerations

MCRP 5-10.2 Transition Planning Handbook


MCRP 6-10.1 Spiritual Fitness Leaders Guide

MCRP 6-12 Religious Lay Leaders Handbook

MCRP 7-20A.1 Training Plan Design

MCRP 7-20A.2 Event and Exercise Design

MCRP 7-20A.3 Simulation Training Guide

MCRP 7-20A.4 Evaluations and Assessments

MCRP 7-20A.5 Training Data Management

MCRP 7-20B.1 Operational Training Ranges Required Capabilities

MCRP 8-10B.2 Rifle Marksmanship

MCRP 8-10B.3 Pistol Marksmanship

MCRP 8-10B.6 Marine Corps Water Survival

MCTP 10-10F Military Police Operations

MCTP 11-10B The Commander's Handbook on the Law of Naval Operations

MCTP 11-10C The Commander's Handbook on the Law of Land Operations

MCTP 12-10A Mountain Warfare Operations

MCTP 12-10B Urban Operations

MCTP 12-10C Jungle Operations

MCTP 12-10D Desert Operations

MCTP 13-10B Combat Cargo Operations Handbook

MCTP 13-10C Unit Embarkation Handbook

MCTP 13-10D Maritime Prepositioning Force Operatoins

MCTP 2-10A MAGTF Intelligence Collection

MCTP 2-10B MAGTF Intelligence Production and Analysis

MCTP 2-10C Marine Air-Ground Task Force Intelligence Dissemination

MCTP 3-01A Scouting and patrolling

MCTP 3-01B Air Assault Operations

MCTP 3-01C Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery

MCTP 3-01D Tactical Employment of Mortars

MCTP 3-02A MAGTF Network Engagement Activities

MCTP 3-03A Marine Air-Ground Task Force Civil-Military Operations

MCTP 3-03B Peace OPs

MCTP 3-03C MAGTF Interorganizational Coordination

MCTP 3-03D Security Cooperation

MCTP 3-10B Marine Corps Tank Employment

MCTP 3-10C EMmployment of Amphibious Assult Vehicles (AAV'S)

MCTP 3-10D Employment of Light Armored Reconnaissance Units

MCTP 3-10E Artillery Operations

MCTP 3-10F Fire Support Coordination in the Ground Combat Element

MCTP 3-20A Aviation Logistics

MCTP 3-20B Aviation Ground Support

MCTP 3-20C Antiair Warfare

MCTP 3-20D Offensive Air Support

MCTP 3-20E Assault Support

MCTP 3-20G Air Reconnaissance

MCTP 3-30A Command and Staff Action complements

MCTP 3-30B Information Management

MCTP 3-30D Religious Ministry in the United States Marine Corps

MCTP 3-30E Combat and Operational Stress Control

MCTP 3-30F Marine Corps Public Affairs

MCTP 3-30G Marine Corps Manpower and Personnel Administration

MCTP 3-32A Marine Air-Ground Task Force Combat Camera

MCTP 3-40A Health Service Support Operations

MCTP 3-40B Tactical-Level Logistics

MCTP 3-40C Operational-Level Logistics

MCTP 3-40D General Engineering

MCTP 3-40E Maintenance Operations

MCTP 3-40F Distribution and Transportation Operations

MCTP 3-40H MAGTF Supply Operations

MCTP 6-10A Sustaining the Transformation

MCTP 7-20A Unit Training Guide

MCWP 11-10 Marine Corps Legal Support

MCWP 2-10 Intelligence Operations

MCWP 2-25 Ground Reconnaissance Operations

MCWP 3-02 Insurgencies And Countering Insurgencies

MCWP 3-03 Stability operations

MCWP 3-05 Marine Corps Special Operations

MCWP 3-10 Ground Combat Operations

MCWP 3-17.4 Engineer Reconnaissance

MCWP 3-20 Aviation Operations

MCWP 3-20.5 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations

MCWP 3-25 Control of Aircraft and Missiles

MCWP 3-31 Marine Air-Ground Task Force Fires

MCWP 3-32 Marine Air-Ground Task Force Information Operations

MCWP 3-34 Engineering Operations

MCWP 3-36 Army And Marine Corps Integration In Joint Operations

MCWP 3-40 Marine Corps Logistics

MCWP 3-40.7 Joint Force Land Component Commander Handbook

MCWP 5-10 Marine Corps Planning Process

MCWP 6-10 Leading Marines

MCWP 7-10 Marine Corps Componency

FMFM 6-1 Marine Division


NAVMC 3500.47D CH-53E Training and Readiness Manual


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