我们如同美剧《失落的房间》(the Lost Room),这个房间的所有物品都有奇特的功能(如眼镜能防弹和灭火),传说这个房间的主人是上帝。有一天这些物品都失散了。但只要有一件物品出现在房间,其余的物品都会神使鬼差般循踪而来。
●取材/U.S. Army Small-Unit Action in Iraq
一、Military tacticians and historians often make use ofthe term 'tip of the spear.' It refers to a combat force that is used topuncture the enemy's initial lines of defense, to be quickly followed byconcentrated forces which destroy any remaining threat.
书名本书Tip of the Tip,我认为译为《尖矛》不妥。原因有二:一是从语法上讲,of the tip是定语,修饰tip,因此直译应该是矛尖而不是尖矛。二是根据其英文定义与第八章的内容,其本意应该是尖刀班、开路先锋、尖刀部队之意。不妥之处,我们可以探讨。
1. 在翻译之前,请通读全文,掌握文章大意,这一点很重要。把握整体脉络,在忠实于原意的基础上,灵活把控文章翻译。
2. 在译完文章之后,请一定重读译文。我改完第一遍之后,又读了两遍,还是有收获。我所修改的地方肯定也会有不妥之处,请多指教。
3. 翻译军事文章或书籍,术语使用很重要。尽量少用口语,尽量用书面语,军事用语。例如,准尉是居于军官与士兵之间的一类技术军官,有独立的晋升与管理体系。美军陆航飞行员准尉通常分为五级,初级准尉为一级准尉,高级准尉包括二级至五级准尉。
4. 大胆假设,小心求证。不明白的地方,不能想当然就翻译出来。最稳妥的方法是查英文的解释,再结合原文进行理解。如His copilot/gunner was Chief WarrantOfficer Moughon, a young aviator from Georgia and a veteran of the 31 May 2007engagement.该句中的engagement想当然翻译,太离谱了。如“巴格达”多国师,巴格达是师的名称。
5. 请注意约定俗成的单词、短语或俗语的翻译陷阱,如本文small-arms,通常翻译为轻武器,摘要中Telecon电话会议。
Apache helicoptergunships turn the tables by surprising and destroying insurgents a ground-to-airambush.
Taji——29September 2007
On 2 February 2007, a pair of AH-64DApache Longbow helicopters from the 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, were on aerial patrol in Iraq.They were checking out a main supply route dubbed Redlegs, which ran northwestto southeast just west of their home base, Camp Taji. Located about twentykilometers north of Baghdad in the predominantly Sunni province of Salahuddin,the area was a stronghold of al-Qaeda in Iraq and other insurgent groups. Thetwo helicopters suddenly came under fire from a heavy machine gun concealednear a factory. The Apache flown by CWO4 Keith Yoakum and CWO2 Jason G.Defenntook numerous hits. Despite severe damage, which included the loss of their30-mm. chain gun, the two airmen gained altitude for an attack and then noseddown toward the target firing Hydra 2.75-inch rockets.After launching the missiles, the aircraft could not pull out of the dive andcrashed, killing both aviators.[1]
Soldiersin the battalion keenly felt the loss of their comrades. Yoakum was one of themost experienced fliers in the unit, and Defren was nearing the end of his tourand eager to get back to his pregnant wife. For their valor that day, theywould respectively receive the Distinguished Service Cross and theDistinguished Flying Cross.
Thisshootdown, one of six helicopter losses to enemy fire in Iraq that month,spawned an overhaul of aerial operations designed to minimize the danger.Fortransport aircraft, the changes were straightforward: they now flew mostly atnight and at higher altitude and varied their routes. The adjustments wereimmediately effective against an enemy relying mostly on visually aimed heavymachine guns, and the number of ambushes on helicopters dropped quicklythroughout Iraq. But gunships could not follow suit. Even when they were notproviding fire support to ground troops in contact, most of their tasksrequired them to search out the enemy, not avoid him. Flying just above heavilytraveled convoy routes, villages, and sprawling urban areas placed the pilotsunder constant stress. Every truck or building could hold an antiaircraftweapon, and even small-arms or rocket-propelledgrenades (RPGs) posed significant threats. Pilots not only had to be onconstant lookout for insurgents, the low-level flights also forced them to keeptheir eyes open for man-made obstacles such as power lines and towers, whichcould be every bit as deadly as hostile fire.The aviators were always on apivot, their heads turning constantly to scan the ground and the sky. It oftentook only an instant for a mundane mission to turn into a life-and-deathstruggle.
Anothermission flown by the 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment, on 31 May 2007,highlighted the continuing danger for attack helicopters. CWO4 Steven E.Kilgore and his copilot/gunner 1st Lt. Brian L. Haaswere flying over the contested countryside near Taji when rounds from a heavymachine gun arced up toward their tail rotor. “On my rear, on my rear,” shoutedKilgore as he piloted his Apache away from the ambush.[2] Theynarrowly escaped being shot down, but this was just the start of theengagement. Kilgore and Haas, along with CWO4 William E. Hamm and CWO2 John C.Moughon in the lead Apache, hastily worked out a plan of attack and flew backinto enemy fire.[3] Using their experience andthe power of the Longbow model, both crews expended a total of 600 30-mm.rounds, 40 Hydra rockets, and 5 Hellfire missiles. The brief battle leftfifteen insurgents dead and five gun trucks in ruins.[4]
Thosetwo engagements demonstrated why the Apache outfit, nicknamed the Attack Battalion, had earned a fierce fightingreputation throughout its history. The 1st Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment’slineal predecessor was among the initial helicopter units in the Army. It hadserved admirably in Vietnam, and one of its members was the first Army aviatorto receive the Medal of Honor in that conflict.[5] The unitdeployed to Kuwait during Operation Desert Shield and played a major role inthe1st Cavalry Division’s deception plan that helped throw Iraqi forces intodisarray. Following that conflict, the battalion was the first to field theAH–64D Apache Longbow, still the most innovative and advanced attack helicopter.fte unit deployed to the Middle East again in February 2003 and participated inOperation Iraqi Freedom, returning to Fort Hood with its fightingreputation enhanced.6 fte outfit was back in Iraq again from February 2004 toMarch 2005.[6]
Thebattalion arrived in Iraq for the third time in September 2006. Commanded byLt. Col. Christopher E. Walach, it had 420 soldiers and 26 Apaches (2 more thanusual). (the number of additional aircraft would prove prescient, since thatmany would be lost over the course of the deployment.) The 1st Battalionperformed a variety of attack and reconnaissance missions in Iraq; but the mostcommon were route clearance, countermortar operations, missile and rocketinterdiction, convoy and air security, and close-infire support for ground troops.[7] Theoutfit was one of two helicopter combat units supporting the Multi-NationalDivision–Baghdad, which was led by theheadquarters of the 1st Cavalry Division.[8]
Thebattalion’s Apache Longbow model is the quintessential attack helicopter. Everyinch of the craft maximizes advantages in speed,agility, and firepower. The pilot-in-command, seated behind the copilot/gunner,has a clear picture of the battlefield and flies the aircraft. With twoturboshaft engines powering its four rotor blades, the helicopter is highlymaneuverable and able to change direction quickly. Survivability featuresinclude a boron- armored compartment surrounding the pilots and a canopycomposed of transparent panels that are resistant to rounds up to 12.7-mm.caliber.[9]While the defensive capabilities of the AH–64D areimportant, it is the craft’s firepower that makes it such a deadly weapon. Inperfect atmospheric conditions, Apaches are armed with up to sixteen AGM–114Hellfire missiles or seventy-six Hydra 70 2.75-inch rockets or a mix thereof,as well as an M230E1 30-mm. chain gun with twelve hundred rounds.[10] Iraq’shot and dusty summers are not ideal for helicopters, however, providing lesslift for their rotor blades and causing the aircraft to burn fuel at a fasterrate. In that environment, the Apaches typically carried much less than the full load of ordnance so they could maximize speed,maneuverability, and patrol time.
Amission on 29 September 2007 would tax both the capabilities of the Longbow andthe skills of the battalion’s veteran pilots. It was a typical assignment foran air weapons team, the designation for a pair of Apaches. In this case, twoteams (four helicopters) were involved. Their task was to check in with the 2dBattalion, 8th Cavalry, operating in an area a few miles west of Taji that wasnotorious for ambushes on the ground and in the air. (Map 12)There, theaviators would search along Route Redlegs for insurgents planting improvisedexplosive devices (IEDs) or setting up mortars or rockets.[11]
Theair mission commander for one team was Capt. ftomas J. Loux, a 2004 graduate ofWest Point from Florida. His job was directing the activities of both Apachesfrom the front seat of the lead helicopter, call sign Crazyhorse 14, as well ascontrolling its weapons. The aircraft’s pilot-in-command was CWO3 TerryEldridge. A Native American from Oklahoma and the most experienced aviator onthe team, he was the kind of guy, according to Loux, “you want on your side ina bar fight.”[12] On their wing wasCrazyhorse 15, led by pilot-in-command CWO3 Kyle D. Kittelson, a formernoncommissioned officer from Iowa. His copilot/gunner was Chief Warrant OfficerMoughon, a young aviator from Georgia and a veteran of the 31 May 2007 engagement.[13]
The other team wascomposed of the air mission commander, Capt. Guyton L.Robinson; his copilot/gunner, Capt. Aaron T. Smead; and their wing, pilot- in-command CWO4 ErnestoJ. Hansen and his copilot/gunner, CWO3 Al D. Davison. Captain Loux’s team wouldwork the northern half of Redlegs while Robinson’s team patrolled the southernend of the supply route.[14] Itremained as dangerous as it had been in February 2007; another Apache team hadtaken fire from a heavy machine gun just a few weeks earlier.[15]
Due to the heatthat day, Crazyhorse 14 was armed with only 3 Hellfire missiles: 1 F-model,with a shaped-charge warhead designed to kill tanks; 1N-model, with a thermobaric warhead optimized for useagainst buildings; and 1 K2A, another antiarmor projectile. Crazyhorse 15carried 1 N-model and 2 K2A missiles. In addition, each aircraft carried 300.30-mm. rounds and 26 Hydra rockets: 16 high explosive, 6 fléchette, and 4illumination. It was not a lot of ammunition, but the mix would be effectiveagainst a wide range of targets and in most situations would be enough in thehands of the skilled gunners.[16]
Prior to liftoff,an intelligence briefing warned the aviators that insurgent forces might begathering in the area they would be patrolling. Captain Loux decided his teamwould complete the initial task of route clearance and then search for thepotential enemy concentration. Taking off at 15:20,the Apaches flew over their designated area for an hour before a minor mechanicalissue forced Crazy horse 14 to land at a forward arming and refueling point. Theproblem with the lead craft involved the tail rotor, but the crew determinedthat the helicopter could continue on with the mission.[17]
The team had beenback in the sky for only ten minutes and had just made a turn to the northeastwhen Eldridge noticed four white pickup trucks, which soldiers had nicknamedBongo trucks, stopped at an intersection about two kilometers off. There alsowere about fifteen people moving in between the vehicles and four nearbybuildings.[18] The structures weresingle- level dwellings made out of white brick and standing by themselves inthe flat Iraqi landscape. Suspicious of the activity, both Apaches droppedbelow one hundred fifty feet—the authorized minimum altitude for aircraft inIraq and known more casually as the hard deck.
As the team headedtoward the scene to investigate, Captain Loux directed fellow front-seaterMoughon to use his Apache’s advanced target acquisition and designation systemto get a better look. Before the equipment could complete the task, ChiefWarrant Officer Eldridge spied two heavy machine guns mounted on the pickups.Seconds later, the insurgents con- firmed his visual acuity by opening fire.Eldridge coolly informed the air mission commander: “Hey, they’re shooting atus.”[19] Inmoments, a barrage of machine-gun rounds and RPGs were streaking into the skytoward the two aircraft. Eldridge was surprised at the ability of the enemy torespond so suddenly and strongly: “As soon as we passed, I kind of veered offto one side, and they started tracking us with the guns from the back oftrucks. As soon as they got where we were inside their range, effectively fortheir shots, they started shooting so, about the time it takes to swing aturret, in this case a gun on a tripod mount.”[20]
Facing 14.5-mm.,12.7-mm., and AK47 fire as well as RPGs, Eldridge responded quickly, droppinghis aircraft to below fifty feet. The insurgents tracked him down to the pointtheir rounds began hitting one of the buildings at the intersection. Aftersurviving the opening enemy attack, Crazyhorse 14 swung around for its firstfiring run. Just seconds after they made the turn, a 7.62-mm. bullet slicedthrough the canopy of Eldridge’s aircraft and narrowly missed his face.[21] In theexcitement of the moment, the crew mistakenly triggered the four illuminationrockets; but that fusillade at least made the insurgents pause.[22]Switching back to high explosive rockets and cannon fire, the assault causedmany of the rebels to scatter into the buildings like “little cockroaches.”[23] Withmemories of their fallen brethren from the February ambush, the two Apaches, incommunication with each other during the entire fight, decided that theinsurgents would not get away to harm more soldiers.[24]
Immediately afterthe first exchange of fire, Moughon contacted the aviation battalion tacticaloperations center to inform them of the battle and request another air weaponsteam.[25] CaptainLoux passed the same information via the 2d Battalion, 8th Cavalry’s tactical net. Captain Robinson’sApaches, operating to the south over Route Redlegs, responded to the call inthree minutes. The two air mission commanders conferred by radio and decidedthat Robinson’s team would remain above two thousand feet to avoid interferencewith Captain Loux’s helicopters.[26] Fromthat vantage point, the reinforcing Apaches could follow the actions ofCrazyhorse 14 and 15 while readying themselves to join in if needed.
As the twocaptains finished their coordination, Crazyhorse 14 turned right and flew backinto the enemy to lay down another barrage of cannon fire. Kittelson andMoughon’s helicopter broke left and came in from a different direction, addingits 30-mm. chain gun to the fray. Crazyhorse 15 damaged one truck during thisattack; but the enemy continued to fight back, and a heavy-caliber roundpierced through the canopy right above Moughon’s head.[27] As thewing aircraft pulled out of its firing run, the lead Apache came back aroundagain. Crazyhorse 14 set its sights on one of the remaining trucks; withinseconds, the Bongo and a nearby building were engulfed by a fireball thatkilled a number of insurgents.[28]
As the fouraviators began gaining the upper hand, they thrashed out the best way to keepthe enemy pinned down while minimizing the risk to their aircraft.Communicating by radio, the team developed a plan to keep constant fire on therebels. As one helicopter finished a firing run, the other would come in forthe attack as the first circled around; each time, the Apaches would approachfrom a different direction. After the first few of these passes, two smallblack cars accelerated away from the intersection heading north. Shouting intohis headset, Kittelson prodded Crazyhorse 14 to “kill them son of a bitches!”[29] Happyto oblige, the lead helicopter chased down the tail sedan and began firing. Thecrew walked the fire of the chain gun onto the target and sent the sedanflipping over the shoulder of Route Redlegs in flames. The lead vehicle managedto evade immediate destruction by stopping along a canal just to the west ofthe road. Captain Loux was not about to let anyone escape, however, and he soondisabled the vacant automobile and killed the driver as he tried to run away.[30]
Meanwhile,Crazyhorse 15 kept up the attack on the insurgents and the trucks, which nowincluded a blue one parked in the shadows of the compound. Chief WarrantOfficer Moughon fired two K2A Hellfire missiles, but weather conditions and therapid maneuvering of the Apache in the close- quarters engagement caused bothto miss. He fared better with the chain gun and rockets, damaging a secondtruck.[31] Thewing helicopter had better luck with its final Hellfire. Moughon launched theN-model and got a solid hit on another Bongo, simultaneously taking out theadjacent building and eliminating several insurgents.[32]
Fresh from theconquest of the fleeing sedans, Crazyhorse 14 returned to the intersection. TheApache took aim at one of the two disabled trucks, but its K2A missilemalfunctioned and overshot the target.[33]Eldridge brought the helicopter around for another attempt, but Loux told hispilot to back off, as they were too close to the enemy. While the warrantofficer executed that maneuver, the air-mission commander asked CaptainRobinson’s team to move north and check out the disabled sedans for possible survivors.[34] TheCrazyhorse 14 finished off the truck with an N-model Hellfire. The missilecaused a large explosion that killed a few insurgents in a nearby building.[35] By thispoint, most of the remaining rebels, out-maneuvered and out-gunned, wereelecting to flee on foot rather than fight. Eldridge took advantage of the lullin enemy firing to move up to a higher and safer altitude while explaining toLoux that they were nearly out of 30-mm. ammunition and should only fire “if wehave to.”[36]
Ten minutes aftermaking initial contact with the enemy, Captain Loux and Chief Warrant OfficerEldridge caught their breath amidst the adrenalin rush of battle. The teamleader commended his pilot for his quick reaction at the beginning of thefight: “Oh my god, good eyes Terry.” “I saw them just as they started shootingat me,” replied an equally pumped-up Eldridge.[37] Thefight wasn’t entirely over, though, and the two aviators decided to make onelast run at the enemy. Flying down toward the intersection, Crazyhorse 14destroyed another gun truck with an F-model Hellfire and launched its sixfléchette rockets into the buildings.[38] Withthe two Apaches dangerously low on fuel and with ammunition down to forty30-mm. shells between them,Captain Loux handed off the battle toCaptain Robinson’s team, which finished off a previously damaged Bongo with30-mm. fire.[39]
Flying from thebattlefield back to Taji, Loux remarked: “Terry, we just saved a bunch ofpeople today.” The veteran chief warrant officer reflected that it hadn’t beeneasy: “Yes we did, but took a lot of fire doing it.” Captain Loux chuckled ashe expressed a theme common to professional soldiers: “That’s our job.”[40]
The Apache crewsknew they had hurt the enemy, but due to the intensity of the short fight, theaviators were uncertain how many insurgents they had faced and how many theyhad taken out. A subsequent battle damage assessment determined that Crazyhorse14 and 15 had destroyed 4 gun trucks and their heavy weapons, 2 sedans, and 4buildings. Between fifteen to twenty-five insurgents had died. fte enemycasualties included a local al-Qaeda military leader killed in one of thefleeing sedans.[41] He had been planning aseries of attacks, so the twelve-minute engagement seriously crimped theterrorist group’s operations in the area.[42]
从左至右: 高级准尉埃尔德里奇,上尉卢克斯,高级准尉凯特森和莫翁站在一架“阿帕奇”直升机前面。他们突袭并挫败了筹划空中伏击行动的叛乱分子,这能让美国和伊拉克的其他航空器在伊拉克天空中更安全地行动。
While the fightshowcased some of the strengths of the Apache Longbow, it also demonstrated oneof the challenges attack helicopter crews face in Iraq. The AH–64D and itsweapons were designed for a conventional battle against an armored opponentthat would generally involve launching Hellfire missiles at long range (up toeight thousand meters). In an unexpected close-quarters engagement such as thaton 29 September 2007, the short distance from the helicopter to the targets (inthis case less than twelve hundred meters for all six shots) actually reducedthe accuracy of the guided missiles, which had little time to make adjustmentsin flight. Backing off to increase the distance from the enemy might haveimproved the effectiveness of the Hellfires, but it would have given theinsurgents more opportunity to regroup or escape.[43] The highair temperatures also limited the quantity of ordnance on the aircraft, furtherrestricting the options available.
Despite thosedifficulties, the Apaches and their crews retained important advantages. Inevery battle, experience and communications play a vital role. In thisengagement, the ability of the aircraft to rapidly and easily coordinate theirattacks kept pressure on the enemy and helped ensure the complete destructionof his vehicles and heavy weapons.[44] WhileCaptain Loux and Chief Warrant Officers Kittelson and Moughon were on theirfirst combat deployment, Chief Warrant Officer Eldridge was on his third tour.[45] Allfour aviators had a vast amount of time in the air and, more important, had allworked together on numerous missions during their first six months in Iraq.[46] Basedon this depth of knowledge, skill, and mutualunderstanding, the two pilots-in-command made a crucial decision that allfour crewmen credited with saving their lives. Veteran pilot Eldridge wasconvinced that the instantaneous reaction to drop below the hard deck at thebeginning of the fight not only prevented the insurgents from scoring more hitson the two Apaches but also allowed the American crews to “aggressively engageand destroy the enemy without giving them time to fully react and employ theirweapons systems to their fullest extent.”[47] Insummarizing the battle, Captain Loux placed a slightly different emphasis onthe value of teamwork, declaring that the fight “boil[ed] down to four guys whobonded over shared hardships trying to protect each other and in the processdoing something good.[48]
[1] Marc Santora, “2 Killed as U.S. Helicopter Is Shot Down NearBaghdad,” New York Times, 2 February 2007; Matthew Cox, “Apache Pilot Killed inFebruary To Get DSC,” Army Times, 12 Nov 07; copies of both in Historiansfiles, U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH), Washington, D.C.
1. 马修.考克斯,《美军直升机折翼巴格达,2人遇难》,《纽约时报》,2007年2月2日
[2]Telecon, Jon Mikolashek, CMH, with CWO4William E. Ham, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 24 Mar 08, Historians files, CMH.
乔恩 米科拉谢克和四级准尉威廉姆E汉姆报道 第227陆航团1营,2008年3月24日,历史档案,军事历史中心。
[3] Telecon, Mikolashek with CWO4 Steven E. Kilgore, Co B, 1st Bn,227th Avn, 24 Mar 08, Historians files, CMH.
乔恩 米科拉谢克和四级准尉斯蒂文E基尔戈报道 第227陆航团1营,2008年3月24日,历史档案,军事历史中心。
[4] Ibid
[5] During the Vietnam War, the 1st Battalion was designated the 227thAssault Helicopter Battalion.
[6] 1-227th Aviation Reg-History,http://pao.hood.army.mil/1stCavDiv/units/1acb/1-227/ history.htm, copy inHistorians files, CMH.
第227陆航团1营历史,网址http://pao.hood.army.mil/1stCavDiv/units/1acb/1-227/ history.htm 复制于军事历史中心。
[7] Telecon, Mikolashek with Capt ftomas J. Loux,Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 9 Apr 08, Historians files, CMH.
乔恩 米科拉谢克和劳克斯上尉报道 第227陆航团1营,2008年4月9日,历史档案,军事历史中心
[8] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 21 Apr 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯上尉报道 2008年4月21日
[9] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 2 Apr 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道 2008年4月2日
[10] Ibid.
[11] Sworn Statement, CWO2 Cole Moughon, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 30 Sep07; Telecon, Mikolashek with CWO3 Kyle D. Kittelson, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn,24 Mar 08; both in Historians files, CMH.
二级准尉科尔 莫法恩陈述 第227陆航团1营,2007年9月30日;米科拉谢克和三级准尉凯尔D邱福生报道 第227陆航团1营,2008年3月24日,两份文件均保存在军事历史中心的历史档案内
[12] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 31 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道 2008年3月31日
[13] Ibid.
[14] Telecon, Mikolashek with Capt Guyton Robinson, Co A, 1st Bn, 227thAvn, 27 Mar 08, Historians files, CMH.
[15] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 31 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道 2008年3月31日
[16] Telecons, Mikolashek with Loux, 1 Apr, 12 Jun 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道 2008年4月1日
[17] Ltr, CWO3 Kyle D. Kittelson, Co B, 1st Bn,227th Avn, to Jon Mikolashek, 31 Mar 08, Historians files, CMH.
三级准尉凯尔D. 基特森报道 第227陆航团1营,2008年3月31日,军事历史中心历史档案
[18] Sworn Statement, Capt ftomas J. Loux, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 30Sep 07, Historians files, CMH.
劳克斯上尉陈述 第227陆航团1营,2007年9月30日,军事历史中心,历史档案
[19] Apache Longbow Video, “29 September CZ 15 Engagement, Safire BongoTrucks,” copy in Historians files, CMH.
[20] Sfc Rick Emert, “Quick Reaction Helps Pilots ftwart Attack,” ArmyNews, 10 October 2007, copy in Historians files, CMH.
Sfc Rick Emert “快速的反应帮助飞行员摆脱攻击”《陆军时报》2007年10月10日,留存于军事历史中心的历史档案
[21] Sworn Statement, Loux, 30 Sep 07.
[22] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 12 Jun 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道 2008年3月31日
[23] Emert, “Quick Reaction Helps Pilots ftwart Attack.”
Emert “快速的反应帮助飞行员摆脱攻击”
[24] Sworn Statement, CWO3 Terry Eldridge, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 29Sep 07, Historians files, CMH.
[25] Sworn Statement, Moughon, 30 Sep 07.
[26] Telecon, Mikolashek with Robinson, 27 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和罗宾逊报道 2008年3月27 日
[27] Apache Longbow Video, 29 Sep 07; Sworn Statement, CWO3 Kyle D.Kittelson, Co B, 1st Bn, 227th Avn, 29 Sep 07, Historians files, CMH.
“长弓阿帕奇”影像,2007年9月29日;三级准尉凯尔D基特森报道 第227陆航团1营,2007年9月29日,历史档案,军事历史中心。
[28] Ibid.
[29] Ltr, Kittelson to Mikolashek, 31 Mar 08.
[30] Sworn Statement, Loux, 30 Sep 07.
[31] Sworn Statement, Kittelson, 29 Sep 07.
[32] Sworn Statement, Moughon, 30 Sep 07.
[33] Apache Longbow Video, 29 Sep 07.
[34] Ibid.
[35] Ibid.
[36] Apache Longbow Video, 29 Sep 07.
[37] Ibid
[38] Ibid
[39] Telecon, Mikolashek with Robinson, 27 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和罗宾逊报道,2008年3月27 日.
[40] Apache Longbow Video, 29 Sep 07.
[41] Sworn Statement, Kittelson, 29 Sep 07.
[42] Video Storyboard, 29 Sep 07 Safire Engagement, Zone 93, Historiansfiles, CMH; Ltr, Kittelson to Mikolashek, 31 Mar 08.
[43] After Action Review (AAR), Capt Christopher T. Morton, 3 Oct 07,sub: 29 September Engagement, Historians files, CMH.
[44] Sworn Statement, Eldridge, 29 Sep 07.
[45] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 26 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道,2008年3月26 日。
[46] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 31 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道,2008年3月27 日。
[47] Sworn Statement, Eldridge, 29 Sep 07.
[48] Telecon, Mikolashek with Loux, 31 Mar 08.
米科拉谢克和劳克斯报道,2008年3月27 日。