Glossary 英中术语对照表





(Military) Efforts



Efforts: 成果,成就,工作



Engagement: 1. In air defense, an attack with guns or air-to-air missiles by an interceptor aircraft, or the launch of an air defense missile by air defense artillery and the missile's subsequent travel to intercept. 2. A tactical conflict, usually between opposing lower echelons maneuver forces. See ADP 3-0.

(ADRP 1-02)




1. A movement to place ships, aircraft, or land forces in a position of advantage over the enemy. 2. A tactical exercise carried out at sea, in the air, on the ground, or on a map in imitation of war. 3. The operation of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle, to cause it to perform desired movements. 4. Employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy. See ADP 3-0.

(ADRP 1-02)




Assigned to and forming an essential part of military organization. Organic parts of a unit are those listed in its table of organization for the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and are assigned to the administrative organizations of the operating forces for the Navy. See ADRP 5-0.

(ADRP 1-02)




A weapon or means of production of weapons or other defensive or offensive devices or capabilities.



On station


Originally it was a British naval term which means that sailors were ‘at their post and ready for battle’. Still later the term was taken over by ground air forces to denote a unit was/is deployed and is ready for action.



Site exploitation


A series of activities to recognize, collect, process, preserve, and analyze information, personnel, and/or materiel found during the conduct of operations. Also called SE. (JP 3-31)

(DOD Dictionary)


Situation development


Situation development is a process for analyzing information and intelligence about the enemy and environment during current operations. The process helps the intelligence officer recognize and interpret the indicators of enemy intentions, objectives, combat effectiveness, and potential ECOAs [Enemy Course of Action]. Situation development

Confirms or denies threat COAs.

Provides threat locations.

Explains what the threat is doing in relation to the friendly force operations.

Provides an estimate of threat combat effectiveness.

(FM 2-0)




There are two methods of bounding the squads: successive; and alternate bounds. In successive bounds the lead element is always the same; in alternate bounds (called leapfrogging), the lead element changes each time.


Bounding overwatch is used when contact is expected, when the squad leader feels the enemy is near (based on movement, noise, reflection, trash, fresh tracks, or even a hunch), or when a large open danger area must be crossed. The lead fire team overwatches first. Soldiers in the overwatch team scan for enemy positions. The squad leader usually stays with the overwatch team. The trail fire team bounds and signals the squad leader when his team completes its bound and is prepared to overwatch the movement of the other team.

(FM 3-21.8)


Individual movement


Individual movement techniques include high and low crawl, and three to five second rushes from one covered position to another (see FM 21-75, Combat Skills of the Soldier).

(FM 3-21.8)


Field of fire


The area that a weapon or group of weapons may cover effectively from a given position.

(FM 3-90)


Quick Reaction Force


Since stability and COIN operations tend to be relatively static and offensive/defensive actions are generally of limited nature and scope, a force not related to offensive and defensive operations has been designated as the “quick reaction force.”


Like the reserve, the QRF is an uncommitted force designed to handle emergency responses for forces operating in the assigned area of operations.

(Infantry Magazine)


Close Combat Attack


A hasty or deliberate attack by Army aircraft providing air-to-ground fires for friendly units engaged in close combat. Due to the close proximity of friendly forces, detailed integration is required.

FM 3-04.126 (2007) (no longer in use)


CCA can be defined as attack helicopter maneuver/fires in direct support of a ground force which is in anticipated or direct attack with the enemy.


Close Combat:说近战



















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